This unique DENOVA RAW HAND MADE salt contains about 20 essential oils and dozens of minerals! You only need 70-80 grams of this salt complex for a bath, and it's best enjoyed in a room lit solely by candlelight!
The DENOVA SKIN PROTECTOR DEAD SEA DETOX PHYTO COMPLEX "ANTISTRESS" (500 grams) is a unique and effective stress-relieving bath salt that has been proven over the last 15 years. This PHYTO complex-salt is produced in small batches on demand, so please confirm availability by contacting us or our representatives. The DENOVA SKIN PROTECTOR DEAD SEA DETOX PHYTO COMPLEX "ANTISTRESS" consists of select Dead Sea salt with a unique chemical composition, rare essential oils, and proprietary extracts. This is something you cannot find or order online, as specialists know!
This bath complex is particularly beneficial for:
- People with constant mental workloads
- Office workers, bankers, and organization employees
- All types of salespeople and those whose jobs involve interacting with people
- Teachers and students
- Entrepreneurs and businessmen
- Those suffering from psoriasis and eczema
- Post-traumatic rehabilitation
- Sexual dysfunction (both men and women)
Often, in cases of depression, nervous breakdowns, significant anxiety, and insomnia, the medical response is to prescribe medication immediately, including antidepressants and sleeping pills. Ask yourself, was this approach common 50-80 years ago? The answer is no—even doctors recommended herbal teas, calming baths, and other natural remedies back then.
For 15 years, DENOVA has been offering this exclusive development—a Dead Sea salt for "ANTISTRESS" baths. Let's talk about the composition of the salt—it's worth your attention because, without leaving your home, you can immerse yourself in a warm aromatic fairy tale of professional SPA service, saving hundreds of dollars on 5-6 baths while achieving maximum effects with our specialists' recommendations.
To experience the full benefits of Dead Sea salts, you don't need to travel to Israel or Jordan—just consult a DENOVA specialist. Though briefly mentioned, pay attention because this is a special salt.
Dead Sea salt contains a large number of various compounds, each playing a vital role in maintaining healthy skin:
- Iodine exhibits bactericidal properties and regulates hormonal balance.
- Bromine has antiseptic and calming effects.
- Potassium maintains cellular moisture levels and promotes rapid tissue regeneration.
- Magnesium protects against inflammation.
- Calcium is essential for bone formation and a deficiency impairs blood clotting.
- Iron is involved in oxygen transport and red blood cell formation.
- Silicon stimulates skin cell renewal and inhibits aging processes.
- Sulfur helps form new collagen fibers, crucial for skin elasticity.
The salt concentration in Dead Sea water is 31.5%. The composition includes Na - 34.9 mg/l, Ka - 75.60 mg/l, Ru - 0.06 mg/l, Ca - 15.8 mg/l, Mg - 41.96 mg/l, Cl - 208.02 mg/l, Br - 6.92 mg/l, H2SO4 - 0.54 mg/l, H2CO3 - 0.24 mg/l, among dozens of elements from the periodic table. Over 40 minerals essential for human health are found in it.
It is known that about 80% of diseases are functional disorders, which are well compensated at their early stages.
Using general baths with various concentrations of Dead Sea salts has a beneficial effect on circulation and autonomic nervous system function, normalizes metabolism, acid-base balance, and water-salt exchange.
Mineral baths relieve stress and fatigue, reduce rheumatic, muscular, and joint pains.
Natural salts improve skin turgor and elasticity, have a regenerative effect, and are used for problematic skin care and treating various skin diseases.
Now, let's reiterate and effectively expand the indications for using Dead Sea Salt.
- Prevention of premature aging of the body
- Chronic fatigue, insomnia, stress, headaches
- Allergic conditions
- Non-rheumatic and rheumatic joint disorders (rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic and psoriatic arthritis, Ankylosing spondylitis, etc.), osteochondrosis of the spine, coxarthrosis and other degenerative joint diseases
- Functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system, fibromyalgia
- Metabolic diseases and endocrine pathology (gout, water-salt imbalance, uric acid diathesis, obesity, mild and moderate diabetes without acidosis, mild and moderate thyrotoxicosis with moderate tachycardia)
- Various non-contagious skin diseases (psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema, ichthyosis, etc.), furunculosis, exudative diathesis.
- All diseases in the acute stage and decompensated forms of internal diseases
- All diseases in stage III of the process
- Thrombosis, embolism
- Hyperthermia
- Integrity of skin cover impairment
- Ischemic heart disease
- Arterial hypertension grades II and III
- Severe forms of diabetes
- Infectious, neuropsychiatric, and oncological diseases
- Tuberculosis
- Second half of pregnancy, tendency to spontaneous miscarriage in the first half of pregnancy.
Of course, the most important components of this unique authorial complex are the select aromatic essential oils and proprietary plant extracts.
This formula is recognized by hundreds of specialists worldwide who prescribe and use this real PHYTO complex for their patients from Alaska to Japan! The essential oils and plant extracts included in the complex create a unique and inimitable algorithm named "ANTISTRESS - STEP BY STEP."
ИИрина, Россия Purchase Review 5.02 January, 2023Эта соль настоящее волшебство, то что она делает с вашей кожей, с вашими чувствами невообразимо. Снимает стресс на ура, ванна без света как Хелен рекомендовала только свечи и бокал красного вина, это блаженство, укуталась халатом и не вытираясь, это важно, в постель и как младенец засыпаю. Беру уже третью банку и экстракты конечно для иммунитета.
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